Zoe Price


Writer at Zoe Price


I'm a third year English Literature and Creative Writing student at Cardiff University. I specialise in poetry and I'm always attending poetry readings and entering competitions. In the past year I've interned at Hay Festival as part of the Events Management team and I've also interned as an Assistant Editor for Wales Arts Review. I'm also one of the section editors for the university's award-winning culture and arts magazine - Quench. I'm looking to gain more experience within the publishing sector but I'm completely open to working all roles within the creative industry. 

She is wonderful, hard working, and full of energy. Her professionalism was in
particular demonstrated through her understanding of the changing nature of events,
she was very adaptable and able to work with any given situation even at late notice.
She had a great natural aptitude for interacting with artists, was very reliable and her
work ethic was second to none on the team.

- Caitlin Van Buren
Intern Co-ordinator at Hay Festival.