Isaac Jenkinson


3D generalist at isaac jenkinson vfx


I'm a graduate from Arts University Bournemouth, in which I studied Visual Effects for Film and Television. I have a wide range of skills within this area but chose to specialise around generating 3D assets and texturing. I work independently most of the time but I'm always keen to collaborate when an opportunity arises. I enjoy collaboration work as it gives me an insight into other artists' workflows and creative thoughts, potentially inspiring new workflows within my own work. I've worked with production crews from storyboarding through to publishing the final product giving me an in-depth understanding of the pipeline in this industry. My workflow usual involves data gathering first such as reference imagery and photogrammetry where possible. Research and development often is needed before if its a project containing new ideas and then from there I move onto asset creation. I love the sci-fi genre and career goal is to lead the creation of a 3D spaceship asset for a feature film